Friday, January 4, 2008

Hallelujah! It's Huckabee!

Caucusing Iowans sent a crystal clear message last night: They want to see CHANGE. They have tired of "politics as usual" where money matters more than message...they have tired of the nasty negative ads...they have tired of the candidates who blow the same old hot air and flip flop according to the direction the winds are blowing. They, like me, are ready for a new kind of leader. Iowans sent this message by awarding both Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama with resounding victories.

WOW - my man Mike is one step closer to setting up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue!!! Now, with Super Tuesday just around the corner, is the time for all of us who Heart Huckabee to become busy bees...and I can't think of a better way to spend the coming weeks!

Looks like it could be a HAPPY HUCKABEE NEW YEAR after all! GO MIKE!

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