Friday, September 12, 2008

The Gloves Are OFF!

I should have known it would get this nasty. Twisted truths, absolute lies, ridiculous analogies, and dirty laundry flying all around. Apparently fear and desperation on the part of the Democrats - possibly in response to the surge in popularity of the Republican ticket - is breeding maliciousness. Here is just a sampling of the outrageous commentary put out there by the left-wing media and its mindless sheep in the last few days:

1. Just today, Anne Kornblut of the Washington Post was unforgivably allowed to post an article with a completely untrue headline: "Palin Links Iraq to 9/11, A View Discarded by Bush". Now, this "journalist" and her employer both know for a FACT that Palin was absolutely NOT linking IRAQ with 9/11 when she spoke to the brigade of soldiers that included her own son yesterday. When she told them that they were about to embark on a mission in Iraq to "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans" she was, in fact, referring to the al-Qaeda that has taken up roots IN Iraq. This is quite obvious, I would hope, to anyone with firing neurons. But since the Post allowed this ridiculous headline to go up, that certain percentage of the population that is either brain-dead or too lazy to think anything but what they are fed by the extreme left is having a hey dey with this lie. My blood pressure goes up just reading the on-line commentary that follows Kornblut's article. (Rest assured I left a post that made clear my disgust...and went a step further and emailed the writer personally.)

2. On Wednesday, South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler made the absurd statement that Sarah Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion." (Fowler's husband, the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, also put HIS foot in his mouth a week or so ago. Seems he was caught on video laughing and saying that the fact that Hurricane Gustav was going to hit New Orleans at the same time that the Republican National Convention was to start "just demonstrates God is on our side.) Both husband and wife were forced to issue apologies but, as far as I am concerned, Carol Fowler shouldn't be able to dig herself out of that one. I say "FOUL on the Fowlers. Shame on them both!"

3. As if it couldn't get more ludicrous - a Democratic Congressman from the State of Tennessee by the name of Steve Cohen decided to use his time on the House floor likening Obama to Jesus and Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate. This one doesn't really deserve comment. (By the way, if you want to see the ultimate example of a "bad hair day", you should watch the YouTube video of this kind of boggles the mind and makes Donald Trumps hair look fairly normal in comparison.)

4. Apparently, left wing nut and actress Susan Sarandon thought that what Steve Cohen said was pure genious worth plagiarizing; I saw her on television last night saying: "Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor; that's all I have to say." Let's hope that's all you have to say Ms. Sarandon because I'm SICK and TIRED of hearing your asinine statments and I sincerely hope that you keep your promise that you will leave the United States and move to Canada - or even better yet - Italy if McCain gets elected. Arrivederci! (Can I pack your bags for you?)

5. The worst "journalism" of all came from outside of the United States - Canada to be exact - and it came in the form of a column written by Heather Mallick for the CBC. In her piece titled "A Mighty Wind blows through Republican Convention" she likens Sarah Palin to "white trash" and writes that she has a "toned-down version of the porn actress look". Mallick doesn't stop there...she goes on to insult Palin's husband by saying he looks like a "roughneck" and most unpardonable is her assertion that daughter Bristol looks like a "pramface" (My research of this term led me to this definition: "a derogatory term that implies a young woman looks like they are destined to achieve nothing more in life than pushing a buggy"). After reading the vitriol of Heather Mallick, I decided to email her a bit of my own...aside from telling her she was a disgrace to journalism and to her country, I thanked her for revealing who the real pig in lipstick was this week.

So, know you know why my gloves have come off...them's fightin' words!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Politics of Pigs in Lipstick

Much media attention has been given today to Barack Obama's recent poor choice of words. Too bad he didn't read his fortune cookie yesterday: "Put lipstick on pig, put foot in mouth." Seems that the McCain camp is having a bit of fun and probable folly in responding to this gaffe by posting a strategically edited and misleading "attack" ad which suggests that the Democratic Presidential Candidate was referring to Republican darling Sarah Palin when he said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." Now, seriously, I believe - and Obama has made clear - that he was absolutely NOT referring to Governor Palin...that he was merely using a common expression in his criticism of McCain's economic policies. (One has only to google the phrase to see that it's been around a long time. ) For this reason, and most likely this is one of the few times you'll hear me say this, I have to side with the Obama camp on this one. I do think, however, that Senator Obama should have seen this coming. I mean, how many hundreds of times in the past week have we heard Saracuda's quote from her VP candidate acceptance speech - you know the one about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull being lipstick? You'd think Barack would have thought twice before even using the "L" word. If he had, he might have realized he was risking the wrath of the Maverick, the Barracuda and millions of their supporters who jumped to silly conclusions as soon as the headlines hit.

Now, I'm pretty sure that McCain and Palin themselves knew darn well that their political nemesis wasn't making reference to the Governor and that their campaign managers saw this as an opportunity to widen the lead that they are currently enjoying. At any rate, I do agree with Barack Obama saying "Enough!" in response to this madness. Senator Obama was also correct in labeling this a "phony controversy". The American people deserve to hear straight forward talk about the critical issues that our country is facing. The candidates need to devote their time to clearly communicating their proposed solutions to REAL problems and not waste time on diversionary fiction.

To be honest, I'm baffled and embarassed that the McCain campaign allowed this to happen. I thought we were bigger and better than this. I guess they, too, should have read their fortune cookie which said "He who hears comment about makeup best not make up lies". Consequently, my next writing project of the day will be directed to my Presidential hopeful...for what it's worth - coming from me, that is - I will share with him not only my disappointment, but also my hope that he will take this piece of fiction off of his website and issue an apology for allowing it to get there in the first place.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sarah Palin delivered last night! She singlehandedly erased ANY qualms I had about voting for McCain this November. In fact, I'm pretty fired up now about the possibilities that await us should we get this dynamic team of reformers elected. The Maverick and the Barracuda could really shake things up in Washington and bring the kind of changes this country really needs.

The RNC rocked last night with just the right mix of humor, heroism, hope and straight talk. My man Huckabee offered support for his "second choice" for President (his first preference, of course, being himself) and it was great to hear him wax eloquent again. Rudy Guiliani's speech was pure ear candy injected with the good medicine of laughter...the former Mayor of NYC - a hero in his own right - did a great job comparing Obama's inexperience and weaknesses with the accomplishments and strengths of McCain and Palin. The evening ended with the much-anticipated and history-making "debut" of the woman everyone has been talking about...the one that the liberal left-wing media has been having a hey-dey with. The Governor of Alaska took the stage with ease and confidence and proceeded to "wow" us all with her effective and personable delivery of a well-penned headlining speech. It was not ALL straight from the teleprompter however; Sarah interjected a little spontaneous humor for the benefit of the hockey moms in attendance by pointing out that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is the lipstick! (Palin T-Shirts sporting this one-liner are already for sale on the internet!) Sarah Palin's speech was who listened was left with a good sense of where she comes from, who she is, what she believes, who she believes in and what she will do for our country if given the opportunity.

John McCain's choice for Vice President - Sarah Palin - might very well have been a stroke of genius. For certain, it has energized the Republican party - something I feel was needed desperately. Quite possibly his decision is causing women, in particular, on all sides of the political spectrum to take a second look. Since McCain and Palin's message is that of "country first" I am hopeful that ALL Americans are taking the time to look and listen - to soul search and pray. November is just around the corner and our very future is on the line. What we do in the voting booths will reveal whether or not McCain's pick for a running mate will bring about a checkmate...for our sake and the sake of our children, let's hope it's so!