Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sarah Palin delivered last night! She singlehandedly erased ANY qualms I had about voting for McCain this November. In fact, I'm pretty fired up now about the possibilities that await us should we get this dynamic team of reformers elected. The Maverick and the Barracuda could really shake things up in Washington and bring the kind of changes this country really needs.

The RNC rocked last night with just the right mix of humor, heroism, hope and straight talk. My man Huckabee offered support for his "second choice" for President (his first preference, of course, being himself) and it was great to hear him wax eloquent again. Rudy Guiliani's speech was pure ear candy injected with the good medicine of laughter...the former Mayor of NYC - a hero in his own right - did a great job comparing Obama's inexperience and weaknesses with the accomplishments and strengths of McCain and Palin. The evening ended with the much-anticipated and history-making "debut" of the woman everyone has been talking about...the one that the liberal left-wing media has been having a hey-dey with. The Governor of Alaska took the stage with ease and confidence and proceeded to "wow" us all with her effective and personable delivery of a well-penned headlining speech. It was not ALL straight from the teleprompter however; Sarah interjected a little spontaneous humor for the benefit of the hockey moms in attendance by pointing out that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is the lipstick! (Palin T-Shirts sporting this one-liner are already for sale on the internet!) Sarah Palin's speech was who listened was left with a good sense of where she comes from, who she is, what she believes, who she believes in and what she will do for our country if given the opportunity.

John McCain's choice for Vice President - Sarah Palin - might very well have been a stroke of genius. For certain, it has energized the Republican party - something I feel was needed desperately. Quite possibly his decision is causing women, in particular, on all sides of the political spectrum to take a second look. Since McCain and Palin's message is that of "country first" I am hopeful that ALL Americans are taking the time to look and listen - to soul search and pray. November is just around the corner and our very future is on the line. What we do in the voting booths will reveal whether or not McCain's pick for a running mate will bring about a checkmate...for our sake and the sake of our children, let's hope it's so!

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