Friday, August 29, 2008

The Sarah Surprise

Wow - who knew? One thing we can say about John McCain and his staff...they are good at keeping things under wraps. While all the recent veep buzz centered around Tim Pawlenty (yawn...) and Mr. Slick Mitt Romney (yuck...), all the while it was about to be Sarah Barracuda to the rescue!

I must admit that I knew nothing about this woman who may very well be the first female Vice President of the United States...but in the last two hours I've gazed at and googled her...and well, I'm pretty impressed!

This is "girl power" at its finest...Sarah Palin - the Governor of the Alaska, is a mother of five children. Her oldest son is serving in the U.S. Army - her youngest only born about four months ago. There are three young girls in the midst of them and I love their names - Bristol, Willow and Piper. Sarah married her high school sweetheart 20 years ago today. In fact, she said she had promised her husband a surprise anniversary gift...little did he know it would be the announcement of her being chosen as John McCain's running mate - the very FIRST woman ever put on a GOP ticket! Sarah has only been Governor for about 2 years and she says it all began with the PTA, which led to the city council, which led to Mayor, and it all snowballed from there. She has tremendous approval ratings in her home state and is known to be a reformer, not unlike McCain. Her high school nickname of "Barracuda" was earned as a result of her intensity on the basketball court. She not only hunts and fishes, but is also a former beauty queen and, in fact, posed for Vogue magazine late last year.

There will be those that say that she does not have enough experience to be put in such a that could land her as the first woman President if something should happen to McCain. Something tells me not to worry. Anyway, the way I look at it, both the Democratic tickets and the Republican tickets now have one young and relatively green person on's Barack vs. the Barracuda. (McCain and Biden add the elements of maturity, experience and crustiness.)

Palin said today in her speech that Hillary Clinton had left 18 million cracks in that glass ceiling hovering over our heads. Sarah Palin might just be the one who shatters it!

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