Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Cost of a Vote

If this doesn't blow your socks off, you must be barefoot...a fellow blogger posted the following statistics on Mike Huckabee's website - they are very telling, I think.

Mitt Romney:

Money Spent $87,644,955.00
Total Votes 4,077,460
Cost Per Vote $21.49

John McCain:

Money Spent $39,145,649.00
Total Votes 4,797,839
Cost Per Vote $8.16

Ron Paul:

Money Spent $20,380,121.00
Total Votes 564,194
Cost Per Vote $36.12


Mike Huckabee:

Money Spent $7,107,364.00
Total Votes 2,383,877
Cost Per Vote $2.98

Statistics from CNN's Election tracker.


WOW! Not only does this illustrate that it is NOT all about the pocketbook and that the widow's mite goes a very long way...but it also certainly should give you a foreshadowing of how Mike Huckabee would run our government - he truly IS a fiscal conservative. And look at those dollars spent by Mitt Romney - no wonder we haven't heard much from him today. Where did those spent fortunes get him? The arrogance of his recent remarks suggesting that Huckabee should drop out of the race was magnified tenfold last night, in my opinion...for it was a BIG night for Mike and a BIG disappointment for Mitt. Guess he's behind closed doors today - perusing the checkbook registers and consulting with his wife as to how much more of their children's inheritance they should lay on the line. Another point to consider - of the mega-millions that the other candidates have invested in their campaigns - how many of these dollars represent "favors" that will need to be returned. Let's face this harsh reality - most people who give expect something in return. It's like my husband said, "The more you pay a ballplayer, the more touchdowns you expect." But, in Mike Huckabee's case, I honestly think his supporters donate with the bigger picture and higher ideals in mind. It is an outward expression of our sincere desire, hopes and prayers to see a truly worthy and wonderful man leading this country.

As for me and my house - we respect the fact that Governor Huckabee has not only run a race with integrity, but also with frugality. He has come SO FAR with SO LITTLE MONEY - compared to the others anyway. What he is NOT short on, though, is the respect, admiration and dedication of millions of Americans whose voices were heard last night - voices proclaiming that they want this breath of fresh air to BLOW AWAY the other candidates and clear a path straight to the White House.


newyork said...

your enthusiasm for huckabee is indeed contagious... but i cannot agree with his intolerance for same sex marriage and abortion... not to mention his heavy emphasis on religion... i believe these are individual lifestyle choices...but with said i do respect his humble and modest beginnings and his ability to "compete" with a shoestring budget is remarkable and i believe many will find his story to be quite inspirational... i have to confess i don't know a great deal about huckabee... i'm in new york... so the only headline in town is obama and hillary.

Vradic said...

By way of adding to the comment of "newyork"; I think intolerance for theft, perjury and public displays of pornography also has an impact on our society.

Of course I think it's a positive impact.

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view the video here:

Please post this on your blog and pass it on to all your friends in Texas!