Friday, November 14, 2008

Rider the Spider

As if I didn't already have enough pets...but I just couldn't resist this little guy. He remained a fixture on the hood of my Mercedes all the way from Walmart in Oakwood to my driveway in Flowery Branch. A good 15 miles...I figured he was just hanging on for dear life or recognized a luxury ride when he saw one. It was actually hard to keep my eyes on the road all the way home...half expecting (and dreading) seeing the little guy blow away into oblivion. I admired his tenacity and strength...and promised myself that if he should hang tight to our destination I would take him into the fold.

As soon as the car was parked, I congratulated him on his perseverence and ran into the house to find something with which to contain him. By the time I got back outside he was rediscovering his legs (all eight of them). I had no doubt he was in recovery mode from the stress of the last twenty minutes. Then, he JUMPED from the hood to the side-view mirror...quite a talent, I must say. I began to think that catching this creature might be trickier than expected, but with a little coaxing he jumped right into my Tupperware trap. Then, it was straight to the does one maintain and feed a quarter inch long arachnid...surely it wouldn't be as easy as, let's say, maintaining the hermit crabs, the betta fish or the African Dwarf frog? I began to worry about having to catch live prey for this little spidey...something that he could inject his poisonous venom into and then suck the life-sustaining juices out of. I even started eyeing the fruit flies that have been plaguing our kitchen (thanks to the backyard apple tree). Regardless, I hurried about the house gathering up a small plastic aquarium, mixing potting soil and sand for a comfortable substrate, and then carefully and artfully arranging twigs, driftwood and a sports drink lid filled with water to create his new digs.

Rider spent all of 24 hours in his new abode. This evening I put my strongest spectacles on and couldn't find a trace of him. Quite obviously he has escaped and I - his brief captor - half expect that he is planning his sneak up and bite me on the you-know-what. I only wish he knew that my heart was in the right place...that I was only wanting to reward his determination with the safety, serenity, and opportunity to become spoiled-rotten that I offer all of the other creatures that inhabit my home. Hopefully Rider will find his way out of this house and into the wild before our next pest control visit...that I won't have to revisit him as a carcass swept up by my dusting cloth on a good cleaning day. Now, as the sound track to "Born Free" plays in my brain, I have to admit: Rider the Spider should have remained an Outsider.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Gloves Are OFF!

I should have known it would get this nasty. Twisted truths, absolute lies, ridiculous analogies, and dirty laundry flying all around. Apparently fear and desperation on the part of the Democrats - possibly in response to the surge in popularity of the Republican ticket - is breeding maliciousness. Here is just a sampling of the outrageous commentary put out there by the left-wing media and its mindless sheep in the last few days:

1. Just today, Anne Kornblut of the Washington Post was unforgivably allowed to post an article with a completely untrue headline: "Palin Links Iraq to 9/11, A View Discarded by Bush". Now, this "journalist" and her employer both know for a FACT that Palin was absolutely NOT linking IRAQ with 9/11 when she spoke to the brigade of soldiers that included her own son yesterday. When she told them that they were about to embark on a mission in Iraq to "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans" she was, in fact, referring to the al-Qaeda that has taken up roots IN Iraq. This is quite obvious, I would hope, to anyone with firing neurons. But since the Post allowed this ridiculous headline to go up, that certain percentage of the population that is either brain-dead or too lazy to think anything but what they are fed by the extreme left is having a hey dey with this lie. My blood pressure goes up just reading the on-line commentary that follows Kornblut's article. (Rest assured I left a post that made clear my disgust...and went a step further and emailed the writer personally.)

2. On Wednesday, South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler made the absurd statement that Sarah Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion." (Fowler's husband, the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, also put HIS foot in his mouth a week or so ago. Seems he was caught on video laughing and saying that the fact that Hurricane Gustav was going to hit New Orleans at the same time that the Republican National Convention was to start "just demonstrates God is on our side.) Both husband and wife were forced to issue apologies but, as far as I am concerned, Carol Fowler shouldn't be able to dig herself out of that one. I say "FOUL on the Fowlers. Shame on them both!"

3. As if it couldn't get more ludicrous - a Democratic Congressman from the State of Tennessee by the name of Steve Cohen decided to use his time on the House floor likening Obama to Jesus and Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate. This one doesn't really deserve comment. (By the way, if you want to see the ultimate example of a "bad hair day", you should watch the YouTube video of this kind of boggles the mind and makes Donald Trumps hair look fairly normal in comparison.)

4. Apparently, left wing nut and actress Susan Sarandon thought that what Steve Cohen said was pure genious worth plagiarizing; I saw her on television last night saying: "Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor; that's all I have to say." Let's hope that's all you have to say Ms. Sarandon because I'm SICK and TIRED of hearing your asinine statments and I sincerely hope that you keep your promise that you will leave the United States and move to Canada - or even better yet - Italy if McCain gets elected. Arrivederci! (Can I pack your bags for you?)

5. The worst "journalism" of all came from outside of the United States - Canada to be exact - and it came in the form of a column written by Heather Mallick for the CBC. In her piece titled "A Mighty Wind blows through Republican Convention" she likens Sarah Palin to "white trash" and writes that she has a "toned-down version of the porn actress look". Mallick doesn't stop there...she goes on to insult Palin's husband by saying he looks like a "roughneck" and most unpardonable is her assertion that daughter Bristol looks like a "pramface" (My research of this term led me to this definition: "a derogatory term that implies a young woman looks like they are destined to achieve nothing more in life than pushing a buggy"). After reading the vitriol of Heather Mallick, I decided to email her a bit of my own...aside from telling her she was a disgrace to journalism and to her country, I thanked her for revealing who the real pig in lipstick was this week.

So, know you know why my gloves have come off...them's fightin' words!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Politics of Pigs in Lipstick

Much media attention has been given today to Barack Obama's recent poor choice of words. Too bad he didn't read his fortune cookie yesterday: "Put lipstick on pig, put foot in mouth." Seems that the McCain camp is having a bit of fun and probable folly in responding to this gaffe by posting a strategically edited and misleading "attack" ad which suggests that the Democratic Presidential Candidate was referring to Republican darling Sarah Palin when he said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." Now, seriously, I believe - and Obama has made clear - that he was absolutely NOT referring to Governor Palin...that he was merely using a common expression in his criticism of McCain's economic policies. (One has only to google the phrase to see that it's been around a long time. ) For this reason, and most likely this is one of the few times you'll hear me say this, I have to side with the Obama camp on this one. I do think, however, that Senator Obama should have seen this coming. I mean, how many hundreds of times in the past week have we heard Saracuda's quote from her VP candidate acceptance speech - you know the one about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull being lipstick? You'd think Barack would have thought twice before even using the "L" word. If he had, he might have realized he was risking the wrath of the Maverick, the Barracuda and millions of their supporters who jumped to silly conclusions as soon as the headlines hit.

Now, I'm pretty sure that McCain and Palin themselves knew darn well that their political nemesis wasn't making reference to the Governor and that their campaign managers saw this as an opportunity to widen the lead that they are currently enjoying. At any rate, I do agree with Barack Obama saying "Enough!" in response to this madness. Senator Obama was also correct in labeling this a "phony controversy". The American people deserve to hear straight forward talk about the critical issues that our country is facing. The candidates need to devote their time to clearly communicating their proposed solutions to REAL problems and not waste time on diversionary fiction.

To be honest, I'm baffled and embarassed that the McCain campaign allowed this to happen. I thought we were bigger and better than this. I guess they, too, should have read their fortune cookie which said "He who hears comment about makeup best not make up lies". Consequently, my next writing project of the day will be directed to my Presidential hopeful...for what it's worth - coming from me, that is - I will share with him not only my disappointment, but also my hope that he will take this piece of fiction off of his website and issue an apology for allowing it to get there in the first place.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sarah Palin delivered last night! She singlehandedly erased ANY qualms I had about voting for McCain this November. In fact, I'm pretty fired up now about the possibilities that await us should we get this dynamic team of reformers elected. The Maverick and the Barracuda could really shake things up in Washington and bring the kind of changes this country really needs.

The RNC rocked last night with just the right mix of humor, heroism, hope and straight talk. My man Huckabee offered support for his "second choice" for President (his first preference, of course, being himself) and it was great to hear him wax eloquent again. Rudy Guiliani's speech was pure ear candy injected with the good medicine of laughter...the former Mayor of NYC - a hero in his own right - did a great job comparing Obama's inexperience and weaknesses with the accomplishments and strengths of McCain and Palin. The evening ended with the much-anticipated and history-making "debut" of the woman everyone has been talking about...the one that the liberal left-wing media has been having a hey-dey with. The Governor of Alaska took the stage with ease and confidence and proceeded to "wow" us all with her effective and personable delivery of a well-penned headlining speech. It was not ALL straight from the teleprompter however; Sarah interjected a little spontaneous humor for the benefit of the hockey moms in attendance by pointing out that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is the lipstick! (Palin T-Shirts sporting this one-liner are already for sale on the internet!) Sarah Palin's speech was who listened was left with a good sense of where she comes from, who she is, what she believes, who she believes in and what she will do for our country if given the opportunity.

John McCain's choice for Vice President - Sarah Palin - might very well have been a stroke of genius. For certain, it has energized the Republican party - something I feel was needed desperately. Quite possibly his decision is causing women, in particular, on all sides of the political spectrum to take a second look. Since McCain and Palin's message is that of "country first" I am hopeful that ALL Americans are taking the time to look and listen - to soul search and pray. November is just around the corner and our very future is on the line. What we do in the voting booths will reveal whether or not McCain's pick for a running mate will bring about a checkmate...for our sake and the sake of our children, let's hope it's so!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Sarah Surprise

Wow - who knew? One thing we can say about John McCain and his staff...they are good at keeping things under wraps. While all the recent veep buzz centered around Tim Pawlenty (yawn...) and Mr. Slick Mitt Romney (yuck...), all the while it was about to be Sarah Barracuda to the rescue!

I must admit that I knew nothing about this woman who may very well be the first female Vice President of the United States...but in the last two hours I've gazed at and googled her...and well, I'm pretty impressed!

This is "girl power" at its finest...Sarah Palin - the Governor of the Alaska, is a mother of five children. Her oldest son is serving in the U.S. Army - her youngest only born about four months ago. There are three young girls in the midst of them and I love their names - Bristol, Willow and Piper. Sarah married her high school sweetheart 20 years ago today. In fact, she said she had promised her husband a surprise anniversary gift...little did he know it would be the announcement of her being chosen as John McCain's running mate - the very FIRST woman ever put on a GOP ticket! Sarah has only been Governor for about 2 years and she says it all began with the PTA, which led to the city council, which led to Mayor, and it all snowballed from there. She has tremendous approval ratings in her home state and is known to be a reformer, not unlike McCain. Her high school nickname of "Barracuda" was earned as a result of her intensity on the basketball court. She not only hunts and fishes, but is also a former beauty queen and, in fact, posed for Vogue magazine late last year.

There will be those that say that she does not have enough experience to be put in such a that could land her as the first woman President if something should happen to McCain. Something tells me not to worry. Anyway, the way I look at it, both the Democratic tickets and the Republican tickets now have one young and relatively green person on's Barack vs. the Barracuda. (McCain and Biden add the elements of maturity, experience and crustiness.)

Palin said today in her speech that Hillary Clinton had left 18 million cracks in that glass ceiling hovering over our heads. Sarah Palin might just be the one who shatters it!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Twister Tuesday!

I could hardly believe my eyes as I looked to the sky. The scene through my windshield...was it what I thought it was? My fears were justified as I saw the car ahead of me and the school bus behind me pull over to the side of the highway. It was as if we were all saying, "No way am I going towards THAT!"

"THAT" was the first funnel cloud I have ever seen "up close and personal" - not on a television screen. And believe me - the effect that a twister-sighting has when it's seen in person is quite different than when it is seen on the Weather Channel. Let's just say that the effect it had on ME was not pretty.

I had been en route to my usual racquetball game. It was raining hard the remnants of tropical storm Fay. In fact, I had thought about cancelling my match just due to fears of driving in extreme wetness. Little did I know that something much more ominous lied ahead... I was driving up the entrance ramp to I-985 when I saw the black cloud swirling and reaching down where it had no business reaching. At that point, the twister was somewhere near the Wrigley's plant. I supposed a direct hit there would send packs of Juicy Fruit flying and Orbit orbitting...then, PANIC struck as I not only realized I didn't know which way this thing was headed but also that I was POWERLESS if its path included me. I wanted so badly to be back home, but I had no way of turning around unless I drove ahead to the next exit. So, instead of remaining a sitting duck (and in order to avoid becoming a dead duck), I made the decision to drive ahead. Both the rain and my heart pounded as I almost blindly moved forward...all the while screaming (incoherently, according to my husband) into my cell phone. As I said, it wasn't pretty. I would have liked to think that, as a Christian, I would have been praying incessantly during such a time...but, instead, I was an absolute basket case. Now, lest you think I'm a total heathen, I will say I did manage to squeak out one short prayer for protection. What can I say, I'm wired wrong - just like my mother. I am a bonafide screamer - just ask my kids.

By the way, my panic didn't revolve exclusively around my OWN survival . (Heaven forbid we add "self-centered" to my list of negative attributes.) After realizing that the tornadic monster appeared to be heading in the direction of my boys' schools, my hysteria centered on my sons. Those fears were exacerbated when I called my girlfriend only to find HER already in terror-induced tears. The schools were in lockdown and her husband had seen the culprit cloud making it's way toward them.

All's well that ends well though...I made it home without being sucked into a vortex...and so did the boys. The West Hall schools suffered no more than the springing of some new leaks. (More than I can say for a couple of other schools in the county which took a more direct hit.) For our family though, August 26th was a day to remember - a "pass over" of sorts - and a reminder of who is in control. For this reason and so many others, we thank Him for His mercy, His protection and His amazing grace!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


So much for a Big Brown Triple Crown. Note to self: Never plan a get-together based solely on celebrating a particular horse winning a race. What started as an upbeat party filled with anticipation that we were about to witness a bit of history felt more like a deflated balloon at its end. We were left wondering "how can this be"? How could this seemingly unbeatable machine not only NOT WIN, but finish LAST in the Belmont Stakes? What happened?

Most likely, this beautiful colt was just plain tired. After having exquisitely run and won both the Kentucky Derby and The Preakness in recent weeks it was a stretch to ask him to pull off this one. (That's why the Triple Crown is so elusive.) The Belmont is a grueling 1 1/2 mile race and it was a humid 88 degrees to boot. I wouldn't feel like pulling out all the stops either. Can't blame the horse...I, for one, am just super glad that he wasn't hurt...and that no others were either. Certainly didn't want to revisit what happened to Eight Belles last month.

One thing is sure, Big Brown is a horse I'll remember. Just like Funny Cide and Smarty Jones, he may not have pulled off the Triple Crown - but he gave us one hell of a ride!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Humane Holocaust?

If you look up the word "holocaust" in the dictionary, one of the meanings includes "any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life". (In this age of hypersensitivity I thought I'd better get that out there, for I am certainly not equating the following to the horrors wrought by Hitler.) With that being said, I must also say that I am horrified and downright angry at the Humane Society of Hall County's decision to euthanize pretty much every single animal in their "care" last week.

I, for one, would like a full explanation of how this tragedy came about. So far, what has been reported through The Gainesville Times and has felt like smoke and mirrors...perhaps because of poor journalism or worse, I fear, because the Humane Society really doesn't want us to know the full story.

The Bordetella virus (if this was, in fact, the illness that supposedly compromised the whole flock) is similar to the common cold, characterized by a dry, hacking cough which usually goes away on it's own and simply must run its course. Most veterinarians simply treat this illness symptomatically...with cough suppressants. Some vets do prescribe a short course of antibiotics - usually just because it makes the animal's owner feel more comfortable, but also to ward off any further complications. Bordetella is a fairly common illness among animals and, since it is highly contagious, is often spread in kennels.

According to the article in The Times, The Humane Society of Hall County typically holds about 250 animals. Rick Aiken, President of the organization, was quoted as saying he didn't know "exactly how many animals had been euthanized" but he did say it was "the majority" of those that were in the shelter.

Here is why I am not only perplexed, but outraged as well. Mr. Aiken was quoted in as saying "To be perfectly honest, probably 98% of these animals didn't have any problems." This begs the question, "WHY THEN?" He also mentioned that the shelter hadn't had a "thorough cleaning" in SEVEN years. That begs the question, "WHY NOT?"

WHY had the Humane Society not cleaned it's shelter in SEVEN years? Common sense tells you that thorough cleaning, regular disinfection and good ventilation are a must in any kennel. Is THIS how you clean house? Sacrificing the lives of innocent and healthy animals so that you can get a fresh start and do the job we hoped you were doing all along? Otherwise, WHY on earth would you euthanize scores of non-symptomatic dogs and cats...unless it was some twisted form of prophylactic medicine.

As the owner of three rescue dogs, one of whom came from HSHC, I am devastated at the thought that 98% of the animals who were put to sleep were actually healthy. Even if they HAD been sick, this illness was NOT fatal and easily treatable. I am pretty sure that if Mr. Aiken and his staff had made phonecalls to their faithful supporters and apprised them of this situation they would not have found much support for his plan of action and most likely would have been offered additional financial help or better ideas as to how to proceed.

Lastly, let me say that I have personally met Rick Aiken and perceived him as a man with a heart of gold and a lover of animals. He and the HSHC have been truly dedicated to helping the thousands and thousands of animals that end up there as a result of neglect, abuse and the absolute ignorance of people who refuse to spay and neuter their pets. I am quite sure that Mr. Aiken was deeply saddened to take the lives of so many precious dogs and cats. I feel horrible, too, for the HSHC staff who had to take part in this disaster. The REAL TRAGEDY in this whole thing is that is was AVOIDABLE and I think that the HSHC owes its supporters not only a detailed explanation of how and why this situation occured, but also a promise and a plan to ensure that something like this NEVER happens again.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heaven Has Another Bird...

her name is Pepper and I sent her there tearfully. It was my last act of love for end the suffering that was unavoidable. They think she had a tumor. They said she wouldn't last two days. They said I made the right decision. It still hurts though.

Pepper was an incredibly tame and loving parakeet...with a penchant for nose picking (mine, that is). She clearly preferred me over all of the other human beings in my house. Her adoration of me was shown in many ways...flying across rooms to light on my shoulder...allowing lengthy head rubs...nightly climbs up the cage walls to give goodnight kisses. Sometimes she would seemingly go into a trance-like state as I would coo to her and rub her back. Little did we realize that she perceived this as mating behavior...until we found a Christmas present in the form of a beautiful egg laid in her food dish!

Our little bird - green and yellow and peppered with black - surely knew her love was returned. Our last night together included several hours of comforting by all of us who were lucky to have known her...the wee hours of the morning she slept on the warmth of my bare chest, hopefully comforted by my own heart that beat with prayers for her.

My last words to Pepper? "It's ok to go to Jesus now...hopefully Gandhi, Be-Bird and Fa (my other dearly departed birds) are there waiting for you. The bible says that God loves all creatures great and small...God created you and to Him you'll return." And after giving her one more hug, kiss and an "I love you", she snuck in one more nose pick as tears rolled down my face.

Rest in peace sweet are loved.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

For Whom the Belles Toll...

The bells toll for thee, sweet filly, the bells toll for thee.
Guts, glory and then...gone. All in a span of just minutes. You showed guts just getting into the Kentucky Derby...the only filly in a field of twenty. Then the glory. Somehow, you know, you brought womankind together for those two minutes on the track...and, wow, did you make us proud! You ran with speed and grace - just behind the powerhouse known as Big Brown and a good bit ahead of the rest of the pack. You flew over the finish line to take an impressive 2nd place! Little did you, or we, know that in minutes you would be gone...that this run for the roses would cause you to cross the ultimate finish line.
My heart broke into a million pieces seeing you down...knowing all too well what that meant...memories of Barbaro still fresh in my mind. My heart aches for your trainer, your jockey, your owner and all of the others you undoubtedly touched during your three years on this earth. You were born to run and died doing it...simple yet so tragic.
When I awoke this morning it was with a certain sadness that the lyrics of Dan Fogelberg's song "Run For the Roses" came to mind. In hindsight the words seem eerily prophetic for you, Eight Belles...
"All the long, lazy mornings in pastures of green - the sun on your withers, the wind in your mane - could never prepare you for what lies ahead...the run for the roses so red. And it's run for the roses as fast as you can. Your fate is delivered, your moment's at hand. It's the chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance and it's high time you joined in the dance."
Now, I'd like to imagine you majestically running in heavenly fields of green...perhaps you are even being serenaded by Dan Fogelberg himself because, you know, he crossed over to eternity not too long before you. These things are a mystery as long as we remain on this side...with our blinders on. I do know that I will never forget you....that this Derby will be remembered more for the horse that won our hearts than for the horse that won the roses. You ran an amazing race...and, now, I pray you are in the midst of His amazing grace. Rest in peace Eight Belles.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

America's New Drug of Choice?

About seven hours ago, at approximately 6:15 pm, I partook of my first Red Bull.

Note to self: NEVER drink this stuff after, let's say, NOON!

Red Bull gives you "wings"...oh, that must be code for freaking INSOMNIA...not to mention Restless Leg Syndrome (the three dogs that share my bed are pretty pissed off right now) and Restless Mind Syndrome (which is why I'm typing this freaking blog post at one-freaking-thirty in the morning)!

So THIS is the new drug of choice for millions of Americans. Pure speed delivered in a petite pop-top can it is. I already see myself rooting around in the car at sunrise...looking for the remaining half a can to pour over fix for the day. Otherwise, I fear I will have to seek out my dealer, a mysterious man of middle eastern descent, who owns the gas station down the street...just to get through the day? Where will this vicious cycle end?

My mind is racing and formulating my next million-dollar idea (that, like all the others, will never come to fruition): the company that created this cocaine in a can needs to develop an antidote. I'll even help them out a little bit here...perhaps the product name should be "Black Bear"... the logo could be something like a bear in hibernation...which alludes to SLEEP...which sounds pretty dang phenomenal to me at this moment.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day...perhaps I will crash and burn...perhaps I will down the rest of the can and proceed to clean every square inch of my 3,500 square foot home (now THAT would be productive) and later whoop some serious butt on the racquetball court (now THAT would be awesome) THIS MOMENT HOWEVER, I am seriously regretting my foray into this new world of energy drinks...

Well, it's back to the bed for me...for sure the dogs would prefer I take the couch.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Running With the Devil?

The Van Halen lyrics were running through my head as soon as Keegan received his race number...the dreaded 666! I'm quite sure there are lots of people here in the bible belt that would have refused to compete with such a number. This mother and son just said "whoa" and shared a good natured chuckle. No time to get distracted. Keegan was on a mission to qualify for this year's Peachtree Road Race and, in order to do that, he had to run his very first 10k in under 42 minutes!

Exactly 1,621 people lined up to run the course in Sandy Springs, Georgia. I can't help but beam when I see my 6'1" fifteen year old take his place at the front of the heart still does prideful flip flops when I watch him doing his warm-up sprints...and it always beats a little faster in the seconds just before he takes off on his racing journeys. On this day, I begin my usual prayer for him as he is standing waiting for the starter's gun to sound. On this day, I blink back tears as I open my eyes to find his eyes closed...quite obviously in prayer the midst of a loud throng of anxious runners.

Then, they're off...and so am I. I hurry back to my car and drive a couple of exits away to the finish line. This mother will never tire of watching her son run. Keegan gives me so very many reasons to be thankful and proud and this is just one of them, but watching him run is extraordinary. Keegan Kyle - running tall.

Well, as I said, we were at this particular event with a goal in mind...and that goal was only going to be met if he crossed that finish line in 41 minutes and 59 seconds or less. I did my usual pacing as I kept my eye on the big time display. The number one runner came in at an impressive 30:48! I knew I could relax for a few more minutes... When the time clock hit the 35 minute mark however, I knew it was time to talk with God. This time I enlisted the help of angels...asking God to send them to surround Keegan. I visualized these angels doing everything from carrying Keegan, blowing on him in such a way that he would be propelled forward, even fastening wings on his feet. The clock, of course, kept ticking away...39 minutes and counting...and, I must confess (oh, me of little faith), I was formulating the "Hey, you did your best and I'm proud of you for that" consolation speech in my mind...just in case. One hundred people had crossed the heart was about to sink...until my tall, dark and handsome boy appeared in full sprint. He crossed the line at 39:52.38...victory achieved.

I cherish sharing these experiences with my son. This particular race, however, offered us an opportunity to share our faith with each other too. When I related to Keegan how I prayed - describing how I pictured the angels around him - his eyes lit up. He asked me, expectantly, to tell him exactly when I had begun to pray. Apparently at that 35 minute mark he was about to give up - he was spent. Then, he said he had a burst of energy that allowed him to sprint the rest of the way in! We reveled in that for a few moments and, as we walked back to the car, Keegan said, "Mom, you know who I was running for today, don't you?" I knew the answer in my spirit...but it felt so good to hear my teenager tell me, "I was running for God".

Keegan says he flat-out destroyed old "666" on Saturday...I'd have to say I agree...not only because he finished 104th out of 1,621...but because he gave God ALL the glory!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Cost of a Vote

If this doesn't blow your socks off, you must be barefoot...a fellow blogger posted the following statistics on Mike Huckabee's website - they are very telling, I think.

Mitt Romney:

Money Spent $87,644,955.00
Total Votes 4,077,460
Cost Per Vote $21.49

John McCain:

Money Spent $39,145,649.00
Total Votes 4,797,839
Cost Per Vote $8.16

Ron Paul:

Money Spent $20,380,121.00
Total Votes 564,194
Cost Per Vote $36.12


Mike Huckabee:

Money Spent $7,107,364.00
Total Votes 2,383,877
Cost Per Vote $2.98

Statistics from CNN's Election tracker.


WOW! Not only does this illustrate that it is NOT all about the pocketbook and that the widow's mite goes a very long way...but it also certainly should give you a foreshadowing of how Mike Huckabee would run our government - he truly IS a fiscal conservative. And look at those dollars spent by Mitt Romney - no wonder we haven't heard much from him today. Where did those spent fortunes get him? The arrogance of his recent remarks suggesting that Huckabee should drop out of the race was magnified tenfold last night, in my opinion...for it was a BIG night for Mike and a BIG disappointment for Mitt. Guess he's behind closed doors today - perusing the checkbook registers and consulting with his wife as to how much more of their children's inheritance they should lay on the line. Another point to consider - of the mega-millions that the other candidates have invested in their campaigns - how many of these dollars represent "favors" that will need to be returned. Let's face this harsh reality - most people who give expect something in return. It's like my husband said, "The more you pay a ballplayer, the more touchdowns you expect." But, in Mike Huckabee's case, I honestly think his supporters donate with the bigger picture and higher ideals in mind. It is an outward expression of our sincere desire, hopes and prayers to see a truly worthy and wonderful man leading this country.

As for me and my house - we respect the fact that Governor Huckabee has not only run a race with integrity, but also with frugality. He has come SO FAR with SO LITTLE MONEY - compared to the others anyway. What he is NOT short on, though, is the respect, admiration and dedication of millions of Americans whose voices were heard last night - voices proclaiming that they want this breath of fresh air to BLOW AWAY the other candidates and clear a path straight to the White House.

Bandit the Huckadog on Super Tuesday!

Bandit, my rat terrier, did his part in helping secure a victory for Mike Huckabee in Georgia on Super Tuesday! He amazingly stood in a perfect, rigid stance...with his "bumper sticker side" facing the busy street...for over two hours as his "mom" proudly waved her Huckabee for President sign to the passers by and those who were on their way in to the Gainseville Civic Center to vote. I am quite certain my campaigning canine caught at least a few votes! One woman pulled up, took one look at Bandit, and said simply, "O.K., I will..."

It was a fun Super Tuesday - and an even better evening as we watched the coverage of the primaries...Bandit laid out next to me in the bed, no doubt exhausted from his day of endorsement...seeing results that certainly dispelled the media's purported notion that this was a "two-man race" going in. Mike Huckabee enjoyed the first victory of the evening with a resounding win in West Virginia...later, we learned that the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Georgia gave Huckabee the nod. The nail biter state was Missouri - and I finally succumbed to sleep with the anticipation of an early morning affirmation of my candidate's viability. Unfortunately, McCain barely edged out Huckabee in this bellwether, winner-take-all this Wednesday is filled with a little bit of woe, I'm afraid.

Where do we go from here? Governor Huckabee has assured his supporters and notified the press that he will stay in the fight - go to the ring at the sound of each bell - until that "magic number" of delegates needed to secure the nomination is reached by someone. It's somewhat obvious that McCain, mathematically speaking, has the best chance of doing that, but miracles CAN and DO any given moment McCain or Romney could commit a grand faux pas that fatally ushers them out of the never knows the future for sure. So, that being said, I'm glad that Huckabee is willing to go the distance with the conviction that "it's not over 'til it's over".

This morning I can't help but hear, in my head, the lyrical words of John Lennon: "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..." For many Americans whose Huckabee-loving voices were heard at the polls yesterday - we still believe...we still pray...we still know that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

On A Lighter Note...

After writing my post on lethal injections, I needed a lift and I got one when I watched this clip of my man Mike on Jay Leno recently. You just gotta love this guy...

This Won't Hurt A Bit...

Sometime this year the Supreme Court will make a decision about the use of lethal injections in carrying out death penalties. In the meantime, states are forced to observe a moratorium on delivering death to those who deserve it. The issue being deliberated is whether or not the method used to administer the drugs of death constitutes a violation of the 8th Amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.

Attorneys representing two Kentucky death row inmates are specifically challenging Kentucky's protocol for giving lethal injections by presenting evidence of previously botched executions. It seems they are concerned about the danger of cruel and inhumane pain that might be caused if the drugs are injected improperly. Apparently, in some cases, the people being executed weren't fully anesthetized and had to leave this world in pain. Justices of the Supreme Court had to listen to arguments for a kinder, more serene passage to the gates of heaven or hell...requesting special monitoring, including EKG's and blood pressure cuffs to help ensure these convicted murderers don't experience any discomfort. To this, Justice Scalia explosively replied, "This is an execution, not a surgery!" and suggested that all that is really required to determine whether a person is unconcious or not is a good slap in the face and a bit of shaking. Scalia also queried as to where it is written that the state must choose the least painful method when carrying out a death sentence.

I'm with you 100% Justice Scalia. The fact that so much time, thought and energy is even being given to the "comfort" and "ease" with which these animals leave this earth makes me crazy. Let's not forget the heinous crimes that earned these inmates their date-with-death reservations. As far as I'm concerned it should be their VICTIMS that should be FIRST and FOREMOST in our minds when considering execution style. For crying out loud, do we imagine that these criminals showed concern for their victims' dignity and pain thresholds as they robbed them of their very lives? And what about the unending, torturous pain that the victims' loved ones have to live with? Look, I am no sadist - but I am sick of hearing about the rights of these murderers when the murdered seemingly no longer matter.

In 1878 the Supreme Court decided in the case of Wilkerson v. Utah that the following forms of execution constituted cruel and unusual punishment: drawing and quartering, public dissecting, burning alive and disemboweling. Today's method - a death cocktail in a syringe - seems pretty pleasant compared to those methods of old. Too pleasant an exit, I think, for those who've committed especially horrific crimes. At any rate, I hope the Supreme Court doesn't waste too much time deliberating and that the states that uphold the death penalty can get back to business.
P.S. Let me be clear that, while I DO support the death penalty, I do not enjoy thinking about it being carried out and especially hate to hear about the tragic killings that led to these types of sentences. I feel for the prison officials whose jobs require them to perform these executions; it is for their sake that I would prefer death of the convicted comes quickly and quietly. Unfortunately this is a reality our society has to deal with. Sometime last year, during the YouTube debates, Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered (eloquently as always) a question regarding the death penalty...take a look below and see just another reason "I LIKE MIKE".

Death Penalty - WWJD?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hallelujah! It's Huckabee!

Caucusing Iowans sent a crystal clear message last night: They want to see CHANGE. They have tired of "politics as usual" where money matters more than message...they have tired of the nasty negative ads...they have tired of the candidates who blow the same old hot air and flip flop according to the direction the winds are blowing. They, like me, are ready for a new kind of leader. Iowans sent this message by awarding both Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama with resounding victories.

WOW - my man Mike is one step closer to setting up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue!!! Now, with Super Tuesday just around the corner, is the time for all of us who Heart Huckabee to become busy bees...and I can't think of a better way to spend the coming weeks!

Looks like it could be a HAPPY HUCKABEE NEW YEAR after all! GO MIKE!