Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Code Pink Chaos

Yesterday's congressional hearing of the General Petraeus' testimony was, more than once, interrupted by a few of the Code Pink lunatics. I was actually embarrassed for these women - their actions were shameful and made them appear as crazed, menopausal nutcases.

Listen up Code Pink, I think it's time for a LITTLE PINK CHILL PILL - along with a lesson in manners. Yes, free speech is a right - but there is a time and place - and your actions showed complete disrespect for General Petraeus' time to speak. You were disgraceful and an embarrassment to our country.

And to the woman who was holding up her cell phone - taking pictures of her cohort being escorted out by the police as if she was gathering damning evidence - your resulting pictures only served to show how professional the police were in having to deal with a raging idiot.

I'd like to further exercise MY right of free speech by saying, "Code Pink, lose the tiaras - tiaras are for princesses and LADIES - and you, for sure, do not behave like ladies!"


Bagheera said...

I tried to comment here last night and blogspot freaking blew up!!!! Anyway...I think instead of a "Pink Chill Pill" someone should whip out a tranquilizer dart gun on these old hinnies. If I ever become remotely similar to the Code Pink crowd at that age, I hope someone does us all a favor by euthanizing me!

cricket said...

I agree. Code Pink's tacky tactics remind me of other extremist organizations like PETA and, unfortunately, some of the way-over-the-top Right to Lifers I've seen in action. Their idiotic behavior actually draws attention away from the very ideas they would like to get across - ruins their credibility (if they have any in the first place) - and just plain disgusts those of us that try to live our lives with some amount of class and decorum.

Bagheera said...

Good comparison with PETA there... I am an animal rights advocate as you know, but the thought of being aligned with such a radical and dangerous organization makes me very cautious about the way I present my cause. I'm sure Code Pink drives other legitimate advocates away as well, hurting themselves overall rather than doing good.