Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hear, Hear! More Substance...Less Sound Bites!

Governor Huckabee wasted no time in accepting Presidential-race latecomer Fred Thompson's invitation to participate in some serious debates! ("Serious" meaning more depth and less of the 30-second sound bite commercials we've been growing accustomed to...) Bring it on Mr. Thompson - you have lots of catching up to do here since you took your sweet time in announcing your candidacy - and, in the meantime, Governor Huckabee has been winning the hearts of many! I do look forward to some exchanges with substance - time to move on from the "woulda, shoulda, coulda's" to hearing the Presidential hopefuls' hopefully well-thought-out plans for moving this great country onward and upward.

(Please visit to view and "co-sign" his letter to Mr. Thompson)

1 comment:

Bagheera said...

So far I really like Huckabee, but I'm still doing my homework. I don't want to announce my support of any candidate too early this election. Keep me on top of things, Cricket! You're doing a great job here! ;-)