Sunday, September 9, 2007


Okay, so I think I'm a pretty darn good mother - certainly not a carbon copy of the saintly woman of Proverbs 31 - but I love my kids fiercely and am passionate about protecting them and providing for their needs (and wants). I have, however, discovered an area where I have fallen short and what prompted this discovery will be a memory most likely shared forever by me and my teenage son.

Today I failed at teaching driver's ed by failing to notice a sign that said "NO LEFT TURN". As a result, my mere 15 year old son got to experience the blue light special - being pulled over by the Hall County police.

As we anxiously awaited the arrival of the officer at the driver's side window, we could only speculate as to what earned us this visitation. We were clueless - my son swore he was driving under the speed limit. After the policeman was handed my son's learner's permit, he explained that we had made an illegal left turn out of the Eckerd's parking lot - at which I gasped "Oh my, I feel SO BAD because I am the one who told him to turn left!" Clearly we had never seen the sign that the officer said was there. The officer then walked back to his patrol car - my son's coveted permit in hand - after instructing us to wait. This allowed me the time to profusely apologize to my son and for us to fret about what was next. A ticket before he even had a chance to earn his license?!

The officer soon returned with a yellow slip of paper and offered the following words: "I'll let you off with a warning this time, since your mother told you to do it..." I detected a hint of a smile on his face during those last few words. My sweet, respectful and RELIEVED son then blurted out "Thank you so much and I am so sorry about that Officer" and offered his no-doubt clammy and shaking left hand for an awkward "shake" with this very kind policeman. As for me, I just sat there - also thankful - but humbled and corrected.

Something tells me that my other son, a 12 year-old who quietly observed the whole incident from the backseat, will be looking to DAD to do the teaching when HIS student-driver days finally arrive.

1 comment:

Bagheera said...

Great story! I'll bet poor K was so nervous! Just tell the boys not to take lessons from Aunt Bagheera who just totalled her car.