Thursday, September 6, 2007


Governor Huckabee had me with "hello" last night! He said just what I needed to hear to spark the flame of interest in this next Presidential election. Check out this video of the exhange between him and Ron Paul and perhaps you will understand why I've decided "I LIKE MIKE"...


Lisa said...

Welcome to the Huckabee blogroll, it is so nice to have you join us in getting this amazing man elected President.

In reference to your blog post,I know exactly what you mean. The first time I heard Gov. Huckabee speak, I knew he was my candidate.

Your blog is fabulous, Keep up the good work..

Massachusetts For Huckabee

Bagheera said...

Wow, Cricket! You are doing a great job here! Keep getting the word out! I like Huckabee more than most of the candidates so far...I'll make my mind up soon.